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Enter 2019 Civic Design Awards - Large FirmAIA Washington Council

Below is the Intent to Enter form for the 2019 AIA Washington Council Civic Design Awards.

If you also want to enter the AIA Southwest Design Awards (and meet their criteria) you will need to enter through the AIA Southwest website.

The Civic Design Awards program this year is open to firms with offices located in Washington. Please note that like last year, under this year’s Entry Guide, the projects entered must be located in the State of Washington. Both “Built” and “Unbuilt” projects are eligible. The two-tier entry fee we instituted 2 years ago is still in place – the price, however for entries has gone up: a $125/project fee for firms of 6 or fewer employees, and a $225/project fee for firms with more than 6 employees. With this increase in entry fee, each firm submitting a project will receive one copy of the Civic Design Awards booklet we will have published for distribution to each of our state’s legislators. While the award winners will receive the most coverage all projects entered will be included in the booklet. Additional copies will be available to order at $50/copy.

To complete the entry form you must:

  • first select whether your are a small firm (6 employees and under) or a large firm (over 6 employees)
  • Determine how many projects you wish to enter and enter that quantity in the “Quantity of Project to Enter” box (use the scroll at the right hand side). Up to five projects may be submitted using one form. If you have more than five projects to submit you will need to submit a second entry form.
  • After you entered the number of projects you wish to enter, you will see boxes entitled “Project Name” (with numbers 1,2,3,4, and 5 depending on the number of projects). Fill in these boxes with the name by which you want your project identified.
  • Now provide the “Contact Information” requested and hit submit which will take you to the payment pages.

Payment must be made before you receive your unique project identifying number(s) and the link by which you can actually enter your projects into the Civic Design Awards program.

Download the Design Award Entry Guide to learn about eligibility, submission guidelines and key dates. DOWNLOAD ENTRY GUIDE PDF

Intent to Enter for the 2019 Civic Design Awards is now closed.