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2014 Community Service Dollhouse ChallengeInnovation Through Integration

Make a Difference for Children in our Communities

A community service design exhibition featuring urban mixed use dollhouses for live work and play.


The AIA Washington Council and the Masonry Institute of Washington invite architecture firms to join with Washingtonā€™s masonry contractors/suppliers to explore innovative designs using masonry products integrated with other industry materials. Architects and Masonry Contractor/Supplier teams will discuss how integration of other products and materials can lead to new opportunities in masonry design. A mixed use urban design program will showcase the ideas in built form. Supported by a selected material supplier, the teams will construct miniature scale dollhouses to be displayed and judged in advance of the AIA|WA Civic Design Awards & MIW Excellence in Masonry Design Awards Banquet. Dollhouses and donations will be delivered in support of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Western Washington & Alaska.

Enter Online Enter via Mail (PDF) Download Rules (PDF)


November 7, 2013
Introduction at Symposium
December 17, 2013
Pick-up Materials Party
January 3, 2014
Registration Ends
February 28, 2014
Project Submitted ā€“ Competition Ends
March 17, 2014
Jury Convenes
May 8, 2014
Exhibition at 2014 Awards Program


proudly organized by:

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First, the basics…


Architecture firms are challenged to join forces with Washingtonā€™s Masonry industry to design and build a miniature scale dollhouse to be displayed through MAY 8, 2014 with proceeds donated to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Western Washington and Alaska.


Design and construct a dollhouse building utilizing masonry products:

  • Form a team
  • Discuss innovative design using masonry products
  • Design and build an urban, mixed-use dollhouse for “Live, Work, Play”
  • Showcare innnovation through integration of masonry with other products
  • Submit projects to be judged and exhibited at the 2014 AIA/WA Civic Design Awards and MIW Awards of Excellence on May 8


The total entry fee is $150, which reserves space. $100 of the entry fee will go toward the Ronald McDonald Houses Charities. The entry fee is non-refundable. Entries fees and form should be submitted to:
10519 NE 38TH PLACE
BLDG. 12

Reservation Deadline

ENTRY RESERVATION DEADLINE: Deadline for entry space reservation is Jan. 3, 2014.

How to Enter

    1. Interested architecture firms are asked to complete an application form, either online or via mail.
    2. Architects may select an area mason contractor or masonry product supplier or contact the MIW ( for a list of participating contractors.
    3. Architect/Masonry team must provide a $150 entry fee which 1 /3 will go toward competition materials and 2/3 to the Ronald McDonald House Charities
    4. Architect/Masonry team is encouraged to meet and discuss the team project concept and goals. In addition, the team must select a non-masonry product/material supplier to work with the team to develop a creative and innovative design concept integrating masonry with that product/material.
    5. Product/material supplier will be asked to provide an additional donation to RMHC. Such donation can be made payable to RMHC and mailed to MIW, 10519 NE 38th Place Bldg. 12, Kirkland WA 98033 ā€“ or paid online at
    6. The team will organize production of a dollhouse and display board to represent the team concept for exhibition and competitive judging. It is anticipated that architecture firms will be primarily responsible for production, though participation by all team members is encouraged
    7. The judging of the final submissions will take place March 17, 2014 and awards and public exhibition of the dollhouses to their recipients will take place May 8, 2014 at the AIA / WA Council Civic Design Awards and the Masonry Institute of Washington Awards of Excellence at the W Hotel, in Seattle.

Project Guidelines

Dollhouse Building

  1. Dollhouse base must be to scale: 1:18 (2/3″ = 1’0″)
  2. Building footprint at ground level must not exceed 400 square feet (scaled)
  3. Building footprint must keep a 4 foot setback from sidewalk edge
  4. Porches, decks, balconies, overhangs and other extensions are not considered part of the building footprint
  5. All building parts must stay within the building area line, which is defined by edge of dollhouse base and sidewalk edge
  6. Dollhouse height cannot exceed 40 feet (scaled)
  7. One side of dollhouse must remain open for childrenā€™s play
  8. Remaining sides and roof must represent finished “architectural” materials in accordance with the teamā€™s design concept
  9. Removable panels may be used only if repeated removal will not damage dollhouse
  10. Furniture and other interior elements are not required, but encouraged

Dollhouse Base

  1. See Provided base/site plan
  2. Dollhouse base must be to scale, scale is 1:18 (2/3″ = 1’0″)
  3. Submissions must use provided site plan to develop dollhouse base
  4. Dollhouse must be permanently secured to base
  5. Base must be made of 3/4″ plywood, MDF, strawboard or other solid, secure material
  6. Sidewalk strip and landscape buffer strip will be provided, teams to adhere to base
  7. Representation of site development within building area is encouraged

Building Materials

  1. Design teams can construct dollhouses from materials determined appropriate to represent the design intent and selected finish materials
  2. Masonry products must be represented for minimum 60% of building exterior
  3. Encouraging ā€œInnovation through Integrationā€ – another material or product must be selected and integrated with masonry in a creative and innovative way
  4. Dollhouse components must be durable and safe for public display and childrenā€™s play

Concept Board

  1. Board size must be 24×36 inches
  2. Content of the board must represent and describe the team’s design
  3. A team project name must be included (this is a name that represents the dollhouse)
  4. Team member firm names must be included: Architect, Masonry Contractor/Supplier, and Architectural Material/Product Supplier
  5. A minimum of 250 of description must be included

Download Rules (PDF)
For additional information, contact:
The Masonry Institute of Washington
phone: (425) 827-5517