2023 Capitol Connections – Jan. 23-26
Capitol Connections is AIA|WA’s annual lobby day in Olympia, where architects discuss issues important to the profession directly with their legislators. It’s a great opportunity to learn about architect advocacy and the state government process!
Due to the uncertainty of Olympia being open to the public, this year’s event will be virtual once again, so you will have the opportunity to lobby directly from your desk or home computer.
Capital Connections will feature a kick-off webinar briefing, an opportunity to hear from key legislators on our issues, and meetings with your state legislators.
Architects from your home legislative district will attend the virtual legislator meetings with you, with one person designated as the lead to help facilitate the meeting. We will provide all of the background materials and talking points you will need, and we always make sure that no one has to attend alone!
This is a great opportunity to get a glimpse into how your state legislature operates and an easy way to start building relationships with your legislators. Please consider joining your fellow architects from across the state in this important outreach effort.
- Week of Jan. 23 | Individually scheduled district prep sessions (30 mins)
- Monday, Jan. 23, 9 – 10am | Kick-off webinar & issue briefing
- Monday-Thursday, Jan. 23-26 | Meetings with legislators (based on legislators’ schedules)
- Friday, Jan. 27, noon-1pm | Capitol Connections Open House (drop by to report on your meetings, ask questions, or learn more about the legislative session)
Questions: contact Tammie at 206-957-1925 or tsueirro@aiawa.org.

Note: legislator meetings are often not finalized until 1-2 weeks prior to our event. We encourage you to register now so that we can request a meeting with your legislators early. If you need to cancel after the dates are finalized, that’s not a problem. It is much easier to cancel a meeting than it is to get a last minute meeting.