Questions? Problems?

Contact David Peters (AIA Washington Council) via email or via phone at 360.943.6012. Should you encounter payment issues, invoicing is another option.

Civic Design Awards Eligibility

  • Built submissions must have been completed after January 1st, 2009, using public funds for design and/or construction, and must be designed by members of chapters within the AIA Washington Council.
  • Unbuilt projects must be an actual commission for a client who intends to undertake the project. Personal studies, theoretical projects, and competitions that do not meet he eligibility requirements should not be submitted.
  • The size and location of a project will in no way limit its eligibility. Members may separately submit as many projects for consideration as they wish.
  • For projects in which an AIA member has joint ventured or associated with a design consultant, the member must be the Architect-of-Record. Where responsibility for a project is shared, all participants who substantially contributed to the work must be appropriately credited.
  • Projects must be submitted in the name of the firm that executed the commission. If that firm has dissolved or its name has been changed, an individual or successor firm may enter projects in the name of the firm in effect at the time the was executed.
  • Projects that have won AIA/WA Civic Design awards previously are not eligible. All other projects may be resubmitted if they fall within the eligibility timeline.