Below are the issues and bills architects will be advocating for at Capitol Connections. We’ll be hearing from Rep. Davina Duerr, an architect and the prime sponsor of C-PACER in the House, and from Rep. Nicole Macri on housing legislation she is expected to file in January.

Authorize private financing for deep energy efficiency and resiliency retrofits – C-PACER
(Commercial Property-Assessed Clean Energy & Resilience)
HB 1796  (Rep. Davina Duerr, Sen. Jesse Salomon)
– Resiliency can include seismic, fire, flood water conservation.
– PACE loans are authorized in 33 states.
– Loans stay with the building, not the owner.
– Loan payments are largely offset by lower utility bills and lower insurance premiums.
– Eligible properties include new and existing commercial, industrial, non-profit, and multi-family buildings.
– Needed to implement HB 1257 (commercial Clean Buildings Performance Standard).
– Requires no public funding.

Grow Statewide Housing Opportunities
– Support legislation to require local governments (within the GMA) to allow duplexes and triplexes in single family zones.
– Support a state requirement that cities and counties adopt ordinances to authorize ADUs – HB 1797/SB 5812 (Rep. Gregerson).
– Support increased density around transit stations (TOD) –  SB 5424 but will likely be a different vehicle in 2020.