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Jeffrey Hamlett, Esq., AIA, and former Executive Director of AIA|WA, was awarded the Council’s highest member honor, the Jennie Sue Brown Award, at AIA|WA’s Advocacy Summit on Oct. 24.

The award honors the legacy of Jennie Sue Brown, FAIA, and recognizes effective engagement in advocacy to advance the practice of architecture and the lifetime achievements of members who have: made a significant statewide contribution; served the profession through increasing public awareness, political action, or government involvement; and continually enhanced the practice of architecture.

Over many years of service to AIA|WA, Jeffrey served as a member of the Board, as AIA|WA’s representative to the Architects and Engineers Legislative Council, as President of the Council, and finally as Executive Director from 2014-2019. Jeffrey provided strong executive leadership to the Board in guiding AIA|WA at a critical point in the organizationā€™s history, and under his leadership the Council survived its challenges and became a stronger, more effective organization.

With the Board of Directors, Jeffrey re-crafted the vision and mission of AIA|WA to focus on its core role of statewide legislative advocacy; led the effort to reorganize the AIA|WA leadership structure and operations as a means to improve efficiency, accountability, and equitable representation of local components in Council operations and activities; and facilitated the move ofĀ AIA|WA’s offices from Olympia to Seattle as a means to better utilize the resources of AIA Seattle and to locate the office nearer to the majority of members. Jeffrey was also instrumental in the revision of Washington’s Architects Practice Act in 2010 and again in 2019.

Jeffrey will continue to serve the Institute and the profession in his newly-elected role as Regional Director and Strategic Council Representative for the AIA Northwest and Pacific Region.

Congratulations Jeffrey and thank you for your years of service to the profession in Washington.

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