Continuing Education
AIA National now offers online courses for members to participate in a rich variety of content, carefully selected from recent national conventions, that provide all the credits you need to satisfy your annual AIA continuing education requirements.
insert national resources here
Council or Local Chapter Events
Browse our events for lunchtime courses and full day conferences or find course in your local area via your chapter.
AIA Members have access to a transcript service recognized by many state licensing boards as proof of attendance of continuing education activities. The transcript includes name of the course, course number, link to a course description, provider, date of course, number of credits, and types of credits. If you are interested in becoming a member, and gain access to the transcript service, please contact AIA Membership at 800-242-3837 option 2.
Need help?
Preparing for the ARE
NCARB offers intensive ARE preparation online.
An exam guide for each division of the ARE is available in PDF format and can be downloaded below free of charge. Each exam guide contains sample multiple-choice questions (except Schematic Design), one passing and one failing solution for each sample vignette, and a list of references for further study. Each division also has a practice program with sample vignettes for you to solve.
Exam Guides and Practice Programs
Each division of the ARE has a free exam guide and practice program available to help you prepare for the examination. Links to these resources are provided below.