Guest Commentator: Rep. Beth Doglio on Embodied Carbon

The below is a message from Rep. Beth Doglio (D-Olympia) to AIA members. One of Rep. Doglio’s top focus areas is the intersection of climate policy and the built environment. In 2018 she sponsored legislation to address embodied carbon in building materials; that bill eventually funded a study by the University of Washington’s Carbon Leadership Forum. This year’s bill, HB 2744, is informed by that study.

American Institute of Architects:

First, let me express my gratitude to AIA members for your advocacy on so many important legislative priorities. I stand with you in working to advance our shared priorities around the built environment including sustainable design and a cleaner regional transportation system.

This year in the legislature, I’m sponsoring a proposal that touches on these priorities.  My “Buy Clean-Buy Fair” proposal will get us on the path to making sure every taxpayer dollar spent procuring structural building materials for public works projects will be used only on materials that are manufactured in a cleaner, less carbon-intensive manner with the best possible labor standards.

With this legislation, the state of Washington will start the process of considering the cumulative environmental impacts of the materials used in state construction and transportation projects.

I’m really excited about this bill because it complements the Clean Buildings legislation I passed in 2019 that focuses on the climate impact of building operations.

I’m also really excited to share our progress on the legislation. This week, the House Capital Budget Committee voted to advance the bill. I hope you’ll help support the legislation by calling or emailing your local lawmakers in Olympia to let them know you support the proposal and hope they will too. You can find contact info for your state representatives and state senator here.


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