Two of AIA|WA’s priority bills are up for their Senate committee hearings this week. You can support them by singing in PRO on the bills in advance of each hearing. Here’s how:
HB 1099 would update the GMA to ensure that our communities are planning for climate change resiliency and mitigation while reducing GHG emissions and vehicle miles traveled.

HB 1099 has its first Senate hearing in the Housing and Local Government Committee on Tuesday, 3/16, at 8 AM. To indicate your support for HB 1099, please sign up on the Legislature’s website in support of the bill on MONDAY, 3/15.
- SIGN IN HERE: fill out the brief form and indicate that you want to go on record as PRO on HB 1099. Your basic info (name and organization) will become part of the public record.
HB 1220 would ensure jurisdictions are planning for a diversity of housing types for all income levels, for emergency shelters and supportive housing, and to address racial bias and exclusion in housing policies.
HB 1220 has its first hearing in the Senate hearing in the Housing and Local Government Committee on Thursday, 3/18 at 8AM. To indicate your support for HB 1022, please sign up on the Legislature’s website in support of the bill by WEDNESDAY, 3/17.
- SIGN IN HERE: fill out the brief form and indicate that you want to go on record as PRO on HB 1220. Your basic info (name and organization) will become part of the public record.
More info: